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Home > IT Tip Archive > IT Tip: "Close" vs. "Exit"
IT Tip: "Close" vs. "Exit"
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Most of us are frequently in and out of documents all day long. Shaving off a few seconds each time you open a document adds up throughout the day and is known to reduce stress.

This is why you should “Close” documents versus closing the whole application (ex. Word, Excel) each time you are done working on a document. Click File > Close when done working in a document. This closes the document, but leaves the application running. You will find that opening subsequent documents happens faster! This is because the application does not need to reload the various “add-ins” that we work with (iManage, DocID, etc.). When you click the “X” to close, this “Exits” and closes the whole application (including add-ins).


Even better, save yourself a mouse click by adding the “Close” button to your Quick Access Toolbar:



Instructions for adding buttons to the QAT can be found here:  Customize the Quick Access Toolbar


Happy “Close”ing!

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