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Home > How-Tos > How To Setup Mobile Twinning on your Office Phone
How To Setup Mobile Twinning on your Office Phone
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Setting up “Mobile Twinning” on your office telephone will result in your office phone and the “twinned” phone (your mobile phone) ringing at the same time for all incoming calls.

To setup Mobile Twinning

  1. Use the navigation wheel (circle with “OK” surrounded by arrows) to navigate to the screen that contains the “Twinning” option. Press the button next to Twinning.
  2. If your mobile phone number is not present in Destination, press the Edit button and enter your mobile phone number including area code, and beginning with “81”
  • For example, 301-555-1234 would be entered as “813015551234”

Press the Select button to return to the Mobile Twinning screen.

  1. Press the button next to Twinning to change status to “On” and press “Save
  2. The button next to Twinning will turn green.
  3. To deactivate, press button next to Twinning. The light turns off when inactive.
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