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Home > How-Tos > How to Connect to the PR Remote Desktop
How to Connect to the PR Remote Desktop
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To connect to the Paley Rothman Remote Desktop from your Lerch Early workstation start by finding the  icon on your desktop.


Double click it and this window will appear:




You must use paley\ before your username. Notice that the Domain is now paley. Enter your username and password, then click OK. 



You've just signed into the Remote Desktop Gateway, now you have to sign into the Remote Desktop. 


If the Domain is listed as LERCHEARLY, click on Use a different account, and then enter paley\username and your password. If the Domain is Paley, enter paley\username and your password. Click OK. 




You will see this window while the Remote Desktop connects:



Once it's connected you will see the ESET Secure Authentication window. Use your mobile phone to complete the sign in. 


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