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Home > How-Tos > How To Send Secure Emails Using Mimecast
How To Send Secure Emails Using Mimecast
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Mimecast “Send Securely”

Certain clients or business partners may require that emails are sent in a secure, encrypted format. This can be done using the Mimecast “Send Securely” plug-in in Microsoft Outlook:

Start New Email and Attach files:


Click on Mimecast tab:



Click on ‘Send Securely’ and then on ‘Secure messaging’ until check box appears next to it.

(Note: Email will indicate it will use secure messaging by adding the text ‘email will be sent using Mimecast Secure Messaging’ above the email’)


Click ‘Send’ as normal:                  

(Note: Workshare will still popup and can be used to strip metadata or convert to PDF, and ‘Send and File’ will still function as normal with secure email.)


Recipient Experience

Recipient receives an email with ‘Secure Messaging Notification’ as the subject, and may retrieve their email by clicking on the ‘here’ link.


Clicking on ‘here’ link opens the Mimecast Webpage where they will be asked to login with the same email address the email was sent to.



If the recipient has never used Mimecast before they will be sent a separate email containing a temporary password to be used to retrieve the document.


After logging in, the recipient will be able to retrieve their secure email.


Click here for a video tutorial

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