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Home > How-Tos > How To Send Large Files Using Mimecast
How To Send Large Files Using Mimecast
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Mimecast “Large File Send”

Due to limitations on email attachment size (LEB or recipient’s policy), you may need an alternate method of sending large files.  This can be accomplished by using the Mimecast “Large File Send” plug-in in Microsoft Outlook:

Start New Email:


Click on Mimecast tab:


Click Send Large Files button:


(Note: email will indicate large file send is active by highlighting the button yellow, and adding the text ‘Attachments will be sent using Mimecast Large File Send above the email)


Click ‘Attach Large Files’ and select the file(s) you are wanting to send, clicking open when ready:



The file will show up where attachments normally do:


Click ‘Send’ as normal:


Workshare will still popup and can be used to strip metadata or convert to PDF, But ‘send and file’ will not work with this app.

To store in iManage, the sent email will have to be filed into iManage via drag and drop to the appropriate folder.

As the email sends, these two boxes should briefly pop up in the system tray.



Recipient Experience

Recipient receives an email with Mimecast attachment


Clicking on attachment opens Mimecast Large File sent application with ‘Download Files’ button.                                    





Clicking on Download files takes the recipient to a screen where they must enter an access key to obtain the file. To obtain the access key, click on ‘Get Access Key’

After clicking on get access key, a new email will be sent to the recipient containing the access key.


Enter supplied access key into the access key box, and click login.


Recipient will be taken to the Mimecast Portal where the attachments can be downloaded.


Click here for video tutorial

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