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Home > How-Tos > How To Scan to iManage
How To Scan to iManage
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1. Select “InfoRoute Scan” from the list at the copier.


2. Use your 3-digit billing number to log into the copier. 




3. Select “iManage” from your list of selections


4. From here you can select from your personal My Favorites, My Worklist, My Matters, or you can search workspaces and scan directly into them.


5. Press “Scan” on the bottom.


6. You will then be presented this screen:


Stop: Cancel the scan

Scan More: Add more to this scan session/attachment

Scan Settings: Take you back to select scan settings

Remove Page: Delete the current page

Next Doc: New scan attachment in the same session

Finish and Logout: You are done with this Job


You can rename the attachment in the bottom text field.


7. Finally, click “Finish and Logout” in the bottom left

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