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Showing articles from iManage tag

IT Tip: Drag and Drop to iManage

**Did you know that you can drag and drop files to iManage?** Drag any file from your desktop to a matter folder in iManage Web or Work Panel (Outlook). You can also drag and drop emails from Outlook. This is very helpful when you need to save large batches of files!

IT Tip: Save Frequently Used iManage Searches

If you repeatedly perform the same iManage searches, consider _saving_ your search to save time! For example, create a simple search that displays the Spreadsheets you created in the last 30 days: 1. Create your **Advanced Search** using the criteria you use repeatedly: ![][1] 1. Click **Save as Search Folder*…

IT Tip: iManage search tips

Below are some of the iManage search tricks I use. If you type these shortcuts in the search box you can narrow the search field without having to use the “advanced search” options (which I find cumbersome). [word in title] @ [username] will narrow results to documents with a certain title that were authored by a par…

How To Scan to iManage

1. Select “InfoRoute Scan” from the list at the copier. ![][1] 2. Use your 3-digit billing number to log into the copier. ![][2] 3. Select “iManage” from your list of selections ![][3] 4. From here you can select from your personal My Favorites, My Worklist, My Matters, or you can search workspaces and scan dire…

iManage Does Not Open Documents

**iManage is Not Opening Documents** If you are trying to open a document through iManage and the document does not open please follow the following steps: 1. Click on the system tray (The upward pointing arrow) in the bottom right hand corner of your screen shown here: ![][1] 2. Verify that the iManage icon is …

IT Tip: iManage search using "Boolean Operators"

We all know how to perform simple word(s) searches by entering the word or term in the iManage search field. Try using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to level up your search game. For example: Type **retainer agreement** and you’ll get a ton of results. Narrow this by typing **retainer agreement AND signed…

IT TIP: Are you using My Favorites?

Another handy but often overlooked iManage features is “My Favorites”, that appears on the left side of the iManage window. You can create shortcuts to frequently used documents, matter workspaces, or individual folders in My Favorites. Simply click the “3 dots” menu to the right of the item, and select “Add to My Fa…

IT Tip: Linking Outlook Folders to iManage Folders

Whether you have dozens of existing Outlook folders, or you are creating new ones, you can easily link them to folders in iManage Work. This enables you to file emails to iManage Work by simply dragging them to your Outlook folders. **To link an existing Outlook folder to an iManage Work folder:** 1. Right-click the…

How To Authorize iManage Usage

Users have the ability to scan directly into iManage but will need to go through the authorization process first. 1. Go to and enter your login credentials when prompted. 2. Once you have been logged in, select "iManage Auth" from the left side. 3. Then, click the blue "Authorize" button on th…

IT Tip: Always open iManage in new window

I have received a lot of requests from folks who have changed their default browser to Chrome and would like iManage to open in a separate window (not a new tab). It turns out that this is possible in Chrome: 1. Open iManage web. In the Chrome browser window, click the 3 dots in the top right corner to access the …

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