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Home > How-Tos > How-To Set up Remote Desktop App for Windows 11
How-To Set up Remote Desktop App for Windows 11
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With the recent update to Windows 11 Microsoft is moving away from using RemoteApps and has set up the Remote Desktop App for use to connect to systems such as ours at LEB. Please follow the steps below to set up the system on your computer:


1. Open the Start Menu by clicking the windows button on the bottom of the screen:


2. In the search bar at the top of the search menu type "Remote App" 


3. RIGHT CLICK on the option that says "Remote Desktop" and has this icon:

4. Select "App Settings" from the list that opens


5. Scroll to the bottom of the window that opens until you see a button labelled "Reset"


6. Click "Reset" and then click the confirmation "Reset"


7. Close the window and click on the start button again, searching for "Remote App" again and this time left clicking to open the application.


8. Click on the "+" button in the upper right corner and select "Workspace" from the two options:


9. Type "" in the provided space on the screen:



10. Press the blue "Subscribe" button in the bottom left of the window:



11. When the "User Account" section appears click on the "+" button:


12. For the username please type "lerchearly\username" and enter your LEB password in the password box:



13. Click the blue "Save" button


14. Click the blue "Subscribe" button again.


15. The LEB Apps should appear after a minute of loading and can be used by single clicking on any of the icons. Once they open they will act just as you are used to, including requiring DUO authentication when starting up.


Please email [email protected] if you have any problems accessing your Remote Apps.





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